Unlocking the Asphalt Symphony: Great West Asphalt Paving's Installation Process in Reno

Buckle up, fellow asphalt aficionados! Today, we’re taking a deep dive into the asphalt universe, revealing the mysteries behind the scenes of Great West Asphalt Paving’s installation process. Hold on to your hard hats; it’s going to be a ride!

Step 1: Unearth and Uproot

Our asphalt adventure begins with a dramatic entrance—demolition and removal. Picture it: heavy machinery revving up, including nimble bobcats and forklifts, and occasionally, the big guns like front loaders and colossal dump trucks. The old surface bows out, making way for the new. 

At Great West, we’re not just tearing up the past; we’re recycling it in our asphalt plants, giving it a second life as robust, fresh asphalt. We’re not just paving; we’re eco-warriors.

Step 2: Grading and Flowing

With a clean canvas, our asphalt artists, armed with laser-guided transits and automatic motor graders, sculpt the surface to perfection. It’s not just paving; it’s choreography.

We grade with precision, ensuring water dances off the surface, protecting your asphalt from the nemesis of potholes and cracks. Because, hey, our asphalt isn’t just smooth; it’s a dance floor.

Step 3: Sub Base Chronicles

The unsung hero of our asphalt saga? The sub base. This isn’t your ordinary groundwork; it’s the backbone of our masterpiece. Frost barriers, stability checks, and compaction rituals—all leading to a stable surface that cradles our new pavement. It’s not just a base; it’s the unsung hero of durability.

Step 4: The Proof is in the Roll

Once the sub base is set, cue the proof roll—our asphalt’s reality check. A quad-axle dump truck, weighing a whopping 72,000 pounds, glides row by row. If the ground flexes more than an inch, it’s our cue for action. 

Soft spots? We’re on it, whether it’s traditional undercutting, the magic of geo-grid, or our avant-garde plowing technique. It’s not just rolling; it’s proofing the asphalt pudding.

Asphalt Paving Installation Reno

Step 5: Binder Ballet

Now, we lay the binder—a robust mix of large aggregate and oil. It’s the backbone, the powerhouse, the Hercules of our asphalt surface. It’s not just a layer; it’s the force that withstands the test of time.

Step 6: The Asphalt Ballet

With the stage set, it’s time for the main act—the installation of the fresh asphalt surface. Small aggregate, sand, and oil come together in a jet-black ballet that promises not just a smooth ride but an asphalt spectacle. It’s not just asphalt; it’s a performance.

Step 7: Seamless Transitions

In our asphalt story, every surface has a connection, a transition. Butt joints—the meeting points of old and new—require finesse. Grading, water runoff, and invisible seams—because our asphalt isn’t just a surface; it’s a seamless connection.

The Grand Finale: The Final Roll

As the asphalt and butt joints find harmony, the roller truck takes center stage, compacting and smoothing the surface. No bumps, no rough edges—just a flawless, sleek finish. It’s not just rolling; it’s the grand finale, ensuring our asphalt steals the show.

Your asphalt adventure with Great West Asphalt Paving promises not just a surface but a symphony of craftsmanship. Every step ensures durability and functionality. Remember, the installation is an art, and we’re the artists.

For more asphalt enlightenment, check out our other asphalt tales and resources. Your journey to the perfect asphalt surface starts with a proper inspection and a comprehensive estimate. Ready to embark on your asphalt odyssey? Request a free estimate now.

With decades of asphalt wisdom under our belts, from highways to driveways, Great West Asphalt Paving is your local maestro for all things asphalt. Reach out to us

Asphalt dreams start here!